Saturday, 18 February 2012

Guidelines For Sadhak Chanting Mantra

A sadhaka is a person who recites the Mantras, meditates and performs all rites to attain sidhi through Mantras. The sadhaka should observe some rules and regulations very strictly while practicing Mantra Shakti.
1) Complete faith unflinching loyalty backed by clear heart towards deity is required for Sadhana.
2) Do not start Mantra Shakti under any pressure.
3) Trust in God, Cosmic Love, Kindness and patience should be the virtues of Sadhaka.
4) Avoid harsh speech, lust, anger, restless thoughts, evil company
5) Do not get emotional
6) Sadhana without any apecific aim bears fruit fruit early
7) In case you see any miracle, do not fear. Keep you WILL POWER strong and continue your sadhana. All troubles will vanish
8)Brahmacharya or celibacy should be observed during Sadhana.
9) In case of failure, do not lose heart. Try it again and again, you will be get success.

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